The AZ-500 exam has just been updated, mostly with the addition of Azure Defender related items, as well as Azure Firewall Manager. If you had previously been working with Azure Security Center you may already be familiar with the functionality provided by Azure Defender for Storage, Azure Defender for SQL and Azure Defender for Key Vault, as they previously fell under the Azure Security Center Standard umbrella. It’s good to see the announcements made late last year at Ignite hitting the exam, but without the exam objectives being overhauled too much.
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Manage identity and access (30-35%)
Manage Azure Active Directory identities
- Configure security for service principals
- Manage Azure AD directory groups
- Manage Azure AD users
- Configure password writeback
- Configure authentication methods including password hash and Pass Through Authentication (PTA), OAuth, and passwordless
- Transfer Azure subscriptions between Azure AD tenants
Configure secure access by using Azure AD
- Monitor privileged access for Azure AD Privileged Identity Management (PIM)
- Configure Access Reviews
- Configure PIM
- Implement Conditional Access policies including Multi-Factor Authentication
- Configure Azure AD identity protection
Manage application access
- Create App Registration
- Configure App Registration permission scopes
- Manage App Registration permission consent
- Manage API access to Azure subscriptions and resources
Manage access control
- Configure subscription and resource permissions
- Configure resource group permissions
- Configure custom RBAC roles
- Identify the appropriate role
- Apply principle of least privilege
- Interpret permissions
- Check access
Implement platform protection (15-20%)
Implement advanced network security
- Secure the connectivity of virtual networks (VPN authentication, Express Route encryption)
- Configure Network Security Groups (NSGs) and Application Security Groups (ASGs)
- Create and configure Azure Firewall
- Implement Azure Firewall Manager
- Configure Azure Front Door service as an Application Gateway
- Configure a Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Application Gateway
- Configure Azure Bastion
- Configure a firewall on a storage account, Azure SQL, KeyVault, or App Service
- Implement Service Endpoints
- Virtual Network service endpoints
- Tutorial: Restrict network access to PaaS resources with virtual network service endpoints using the Azure portal
- Create, change, or delete service endpoint policy using the Azure portal
- Use private endpoints for Azure Storage
- Quickstart: Create a Private Endpoint using Azure portal
- Implement DDoS Protection
Configure advanced security for compute
- Configure endpoint protection
- Configure and monitor system updates for VMs
- Configure authentication for Azure Container Registry
- Configure security for different types of containers
- Implement vulnerability management
- Configure isolation for AKS
- Configure security for container registry
- Implement Azure Disk Encryption
- Configure authentication and security for Azure App Service
- Configure SSL/TLS certs
- Configure authentication for Azure Kubernetes Service
- Configure automatic updates
Manage security operations (25-30%)
Monitor security by using Azure Monitor
- Create and customize alerts
- Monitor logs by using Azure Monitor
- Configure diagnostic logging and log retention
Monitor security by using Azure Security Center
- Create and customize alerts
- Evaluate vulnerability scans from Azure Security Center
- Configure Just in Time VM access by using Azure Security Center
- Configure centralized policy management by using Azure Security Center
- Configure compliance policies and evaluate for compliance by using Azure Security Center
Monitor security by using Azure Sentinel
- Create and customize alerts
- Configure data sources to Azure Sentinel
- Evaluate results from Azure Sentinel
- Configure a playbook by using Azure Sentinel
Configure security policies
- Configure security settings by using Azure Policy
- Configure security settings by using Azure Blueprint
Secure data and applications (20-25%)
Configure security for storage
- Configure access control for storage accounts
- Configure key management for storage accounts
- Configure Azure AD authentication for Azure Storage
- Configure Azure AD Domain Services authentication for Azure Files
- Create and manage Shared Access Signatures (SAS)
- Create a shared access policy for a blob or blob container
- Configure Storage Service Encryption
- Configure Azure Defender for Storage
Configure security for databases
- Enable database authentication
- Enable database auditing
- Configure Azure Defender for SQL
- Configure Azure SQL Database Advanced Threat Protection
- Implement database encryption
- Implement Azure SQL Database Always Encrypted
Configure and manage Key Vault
- Manage access to Key Vault
- Manage permissions to secrets, certificates, and keys
- Configure RBAC usage in Azure Key Vault
- Manage certificates
- Manage secrets
- Configure key rotation
- Backup and restore of Key Vault items
- Configure Azure Defender for Key Vault
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